1) Add shrubs above 1st incline on west side of hill toward Whitesburg. Fill out plantings next to roadway on west side of entry.
2) Consider 2x / year a neighborhood “work day” where we work together to paint, clean, cut, etc our property but also common areas and vacant lots. Possible social afterwards.
3) Lot maintenance by utility substation and water tower? Whose responsibility is it?
Chairperson: VACANT
Members: Joyce Neighbors
Board Contact: Darrin Johnson
Responsibilities: Investigate security issues and offer proposals to members for vote.
1) Security camera.
2) Neighborhood watch / increased police patrol.
3) One contact to “report” a crime to if something happens up here.
4) Gates.
Chairperson: Cindy Roberts
Members: Beth Griffin
Board Contact: Kathleen Whitmire
Responsibilities: Welcome new homeowners to subdivision, plan social functions, maintain directory. Work with Secretary as needed.
1) Distribute ByLaws and Restrictive Covenants to new lot owners (ensure they sign agreement).
2) Update neighborhood directory / email addresses. Distribute to homeowners.
Chairperson: Bill Lokken
Members: Cara Greco, Don Stringfellow, Harry Durgen
Board Contact: Jim Williams
Responsibilities: Review and approve proposed new construction plans and specs.
Ensure construction progress meets with approved plans.
1)Work with Developer / city on sidewalk status.
2)Re-write of Article I Development and Architectural Standards plus Addendum 1,2 and 3.
3) A standardized letter for ARC findings.
Chairperson: ???
Members: Lori Gregory, Rena Webb, Charlie Bonne'
Board Contact: Jim Williams
Responsibilities: Amend bylaws as needed.
1) Prepare new Bylaws for annual meeting
Chairperson: John Greco
Members: Wayne Parker
Board Contact: Betty Hughes
Responsibilities: Be aware of community issues that impact WMHA. Attend city commission planning meetings and city council meetings when necessary. Communicate to homeowner’s when necessary.
1) Speak with city / mayor and update community on Jones Farm.
2) Work with utility contact on lot 113 / water tower beautification.
3) Misc: red light at entry, speed bumps, speeding on Carl T Jones, security, “No Outlet” sign at Colewood and Springhouse.